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Saturday April 8th | 4pm till 8pm
A reminder that TMAC has been offered a regular Makers’ Market space every first Sunday of the month at the Tamborine Mountain Sports Ground. Any TMAC member can participate for $40 per stall. To register your interest and get for more information <>;
Tues April 18th | 6  till 9pm | Vonda Youngman Community Centre
An opportunity to shape and strengthen live music and performing arts culture on the Mountain. 
Performance by Clea @ 6:15
Calling all musicians, performing artists, businesses and supporters of the arts! How can we raise the profile of music and arts on the Mountain and achieve better rates of pay for artists? Join us to explore how we can create and support rewarding live music and performance events which benefit artists, businesses, our community and tourism in our region. 
BYO share plate and drinks for dinner.Our panel will featureClea:  Award winning, Scenic Rim, indie/pop singer. Clea will perform her latest songs and share her music story and the opportunities that have lifted her music career.Shenzo Gregorio: local, renowned jazz/world musician.Shenzo Gregorio: local, renowned jazz/world musician.Kacey Patrick: well known, Australian singer of folk, jazz and world styles. Kacey will offer her experience in initiating amazing live music programs at Dust Temple and the Tom Atkins Community Hall, Gold Coast.Shenzo Gregorio: local, renowned jazz/world musician. Shenzo will share his creative ideas and vast experience in music, performance, house concerts and more.Margy Rose: Local musician, actor and arts worker. Margy will share her experience of arts on the Mountain, community music and voice and movement as meditation.Margy Rose: Local musician, actor and arts worker.Margy Rose: Local musician & actorYoung and emerging musicians and performers are especially welcome! Local businesses, music industry people, students, artists and supporters, this will be an evening not to be missed!BYO share plate & drinks for dinner   
Sat / Sun May 13th – 14th | 10am till 3pm
We have a fabulous line up of around 15+ artists participating in our Open Studio Trail on Mother’s Day weekend of 13 / 14th May 2023. Some will be opening their own studios, and some will be in a group exhibition at The Art Post Gallery in Main St. All studio listings and addresses will be listed on our website.