Railway turntable unearthed
Archaeologists are assessing a railway turntable unearthed near the Beaudesert Railway Station during works as part of the Town Centre Revitalisation project.
The exact location and condition of the turntable could not be determined by Council prior to works commencing for the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation project.
Division 4 Councillor Michael Enright said that, in light of the item’s discovery and its location, Council had appointed a cultural heritage team to swiftly re-design critical drainage infrastructure for Eaglesfield Street as part of the Town Centre works.
“Changes to this component of the overall project will guarantee that the railway turntable remains untouched as works continue to progress, as the turntable is positioned approximately one metre below ground,” he said.
“Council is working on a concept design that illustrates the turntable’s location within the overall Town Centre Revitalisation once the project has been completed.
“Archaeologists have determined that the railway turntable dates back to between 1880 and 1890, when it was likely used to turn rail locomotives around where there was insufficient space.
“Evidence at the site shows that the turntable was covered in more recent years when railway lines were upgraded in 2001, when an Australian Government grant program provided for a heritage rail service that operated between December 2002 and June 2003.”
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said the appointment of a special civil contractor and the re-direction of some construction and labour resources to the site has allowed for redevelopment works for the Town Centre to continue after a lengthy period of wet weather.
“Additional resources have been allocated to this important project to reduce delays caused by ongoing weather events that the region has seen in the past six months,” he said.
“A large amount of stormwater infrastructure has been installed already, along with bulk excavation and the subgrade preparation for the extension of Selwyn Street and the Town Centre car park which is being constructed.
“Council is working with the project’s contractor to manage site conditions to ensure that works can proceed as scheduled despite the continual interruptions of wet weather that the region has experienced.”
Council acknowledges there may be some inconvenience to nearby property owners, local residents, visitors and the travelling public while these important works occur and thanks the community for their patience.
You can watch the fly-through video of the Beaudesert Town Centre Revitalisation project here.
For more information on the project, visit Council’s Let’s Talk Scenic Rim website.